Welcome to the creator's corner!


Hello! Welcome to my little corner!

Even though it’s been more than a year since I started posting The Naïve Cell comics on Instagram, I am finally satisfied with my website and published it! To be very honest, I have revamped this web so many times, (without publishing or sharing it), and upon much procrastination, I’ve finally published this! Yay *pats myself on the back😆 (A huge part is thanks to the promise I made with you Kickstarter backers on my comic book that references will be posted on this web, so here’s a big THANK YOU who got to this little corner through the book!)

What is this website for?

I’ve asked myself many times, should I add the ‘behind the scenes’, my work process, my thoughts behind the comics I created, additional science information that I found for each comic, promotions for new comic book and/or items? Well, maybe a bit of what I listed and more? I’m still figuring out, so let me know what you like to see!😜

Brief History of The Naive Cell comics - How it all started

For those who have seen it on Instagram, you can skip it to the next section ↓. For those who haven’t, here’s how: In 2020, I started writing a science article about stem cells, and I thought that maybe I should add some illustration to explain the article better, somehow the idea became a comic and it gave rise to the birth of this cute little cells! And one comic led to another, leading to today’s comic book! Speaking of which, I should really finish that article that I was writing..😅

Meaning of The Naive Cell

This name is thanks to my boyfriend! It has two meanings - 1) since the cell represents a stem cell - the naïve stem cell is with unlimited self‐renewal capacity and 2) its has an innocent character!

Sharing science through comics

I’ve seen how comics can convey messages through the art and storytelling, I really hope to share science and the joy of doing science through my little comics! 😍

Wherever you come from, thank you for visiting and see you in the next post :)

Geraldine Tu