References for The Naive Cell’s guide to laboratory vol. 1



I’m sure you’ve read the comic book (The Naive Cell’s guide to laboratory vol. 1) before reaching this little corner of the web :)!

Before I started illustrating and creating the book, I read up many sources from articles to history papers to scientific papers to understand more about the evolution of laboratory and its types! And I learnt so much more about the laboratory that I previously did not take notice of when I was in the laboratory!

I hope you gain a new perspective about the laboratory after reading my comic book too! 😊

Here are some of the sources I learnt from while working on the comic book:

1.      Online Etymology Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved January 4, 2021 from­

2.      Schmidgen, H. (2011, August 8). History of the Beginnings of the Laboratory in the Early Modern World. EGO European History Online. Retrieved January 10, 2021 from

3.      Smith, P. (2006). Laboratories. In K. Park & L. Daston (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Science (The Cambridge History of Science, pp. 290-305). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CHOL9780521572446.014

4.      Wust, M. (2017, October 13). The Evolution of the Apothecary for the Apothe-curious. Penn Medicine News. Retrieved from

5.      Who were the apothecaries. (n.d.). Center for the History of Medicine. Retrieved January 10, 2021 from

6.      Cahn, Robert W. (2020, November 17) "Georgius Agricola". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 27 February 2021 from

7.      Read, J. (1995). From alchemy to chemistry. Courier Corporation.

8.      Blake, S. (2014, February 26). Traces of the Alchemist Who Discovered the Philosopher’s Stone in Paris. Atlas Obscura. Retrieved from

9.      Highfield, R. (n.d.) Secrets of the Philosopher's Stone. British Library. Retrieved from

10.   Chandler, N. (2019, June 19). How Alchemy Paved the Way for Chemistry Retrieved from

11.   Meyer, M. (2016, June 2). Gold, Secrecy, and Prestige. Science History Institute. Retrieved from,even%20then%20only%20with%20difficulty.

12.   "From Alchemy to Chemistry ." Science and Its Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery. Retrieved January 15, 2021 from

13.   Conniff, R. (2014, February). Alchemy May Not Have Been the Pseudoscience. We All Thought It Was. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from

14.   Kolala, R. (2020, May 8). The Roots of Chemistry: How the Ancient Tradition of Alchemy Influenced Modern Scientific Thought. The Aggie Transcript. Retrieved from

15.   Sheikh, K. (2016). Isaac Newton's Recipe for Magical 'Philosopher's Stone' Rediscovered. Live Science. Retrieved from,one%20of%20Newton's%20own%20experiments.&text=The%20%22philosopher's%20stone%22%20was%20a,even%20help%20humans%20achieve%20immortality.

16.   Bosveld, J. (2010, Dec 28). Isaac Newton, World's Most Famous Alchemist. Discover Magazine. Retrieved from

17.   Andersen, Hanne and Brian Hepburn, "Scientific Method", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

18.   Lunetta, V. N., Hofstein, A., & Clough, M. P. (2007). Learning and teaching in the school science laboratory: An analysis of research, theory, and practice. Handbook of research on science education2, 393-441.

19.   William R. Newman, “The Problem of Alchemy,” The New Atlantis, Number 44, Winter 2015, pp. 65–75.

20.   Marcos Martinón-Torres, Thilo Rehren & Sigrid von Osten. 2003. A 16th century lab in a 21st century lab: archaeometric study of the laboratory equipment from Oberstockstall (Kirchberg am Wagram, Austria). Antiquity Project Gallery 77(298):

21.   (n.d.). Robert Boyle. Science History Institute. Retrieved from,proponent%20of%20the%20experimental%20method.

22.   Eaton, W. (n.d.) Robert Boyle (1627—1691). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from

23.   Heinekamp, C. (2015). Introduction: Laboratory Typologies. The Sustainable Laboratory Handbook: Design, Equipment, Operation, 3-12.

24.   Deckert, K. (n.d.) 5 design concepts for teaching laboratory success. Retrieved from

25.   (2019, October 14). Wet Lab vs. Dry Lab for Your Life Science Startup Retrieved from

26.   Viva (n.d.) 8 Difference Between Wet lab And Dry Lab. Retrieved from,Wet%20lab%20or%20wet%20laboratories%20are%20laboratories%20where%20chemicals%2C%20drugs,assistance%20of%20computer%20generated%20models.

27.   Peltz, M. (2014, October 14) 10 Ways to Minimize Contamination in a Molecular Laboratory. Luminex. Retrieved from,the%20pre%2DPCR%20room%20only.

28.   Hilary Brueck and Samantha Lee. ( 2020, Oct 2). Here's how coronavirus lab tests really work, and why they don't always give satisfying results. Business Insider. Retrieved from

29.   Theodore R. Newell and Donna M. Wolk (2019, May). Modern Microbiology: Laboratory Planning and Design. Retrieved from

30.   (2014, November 13) Pharmaceutical Quality Control Labs (7/93). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from

31.   A. Siew, “Advances in Analytical Testing Tools for the Bio/Pharma Industry,” Pharmaceutical Technology 41 (7) 2017.

32.   Lim, C. K., & Lord, G. (2002). Current developments in LC-MS for pharmaceutical analysis. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin25(5), 547-557.

33.   Laboratory biosafety manual, 4th edition. (2020, December 21). World Health Organization. Retrieved from

34.   (n.d.) Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Retrieved from

35.   (n.d.) Hazard Communication. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from

36.   Lawton, P. (2014, March 25). What Workers Need to Know About Eyewashes and Safety Showers. EHS daily advisor. Retrieved from

37.   (n.d.) Oxygen Monitoring Devices. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved from

38.   Johnson, J. (2020, May 15). How we'll get back to the lab during COVID-19. Chemical & Engineering News. Retrieved from

39.   (2018, October) Laboratory Waste Disposal Guidelines. University of Wollongong Australia. Retrieved from

40.   Khan, S., Syed, A., Ahmad, R., Rather, T. A., Ajaz, M., & Jan, F. (2010). Radioactive waste management in a hospital. International journal of health sciences4(1), 39–46.

41.   Biosafety Levels for Biological Agents. Stanford University. Retrieved from

42.   Robertson, R. (2017, June 14). 9 Ways Lactobacillus Acidophilus Can Benefit Your Health. Healthline. Retrieved from

43.   (n.d.) Staphylococcus aureus. Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology. Retrieved from,S.,most%20often%20by%20contaminated%20hands.

44.   (2020, September 1). Transmission. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

45.   (2020, July 28). Hepatitis A Questions and Answers for the Public. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

46.   Kaufer, A. M., Theis, T., Lau, K. A., Gray, J. L., & Rawlinson, W. D. (2020). Laboratory biosafety measures involving SARS-CoV-2 and the classification as a Risk Group 3 biological agent. Pathology, 52(7), 790–795.

47.   (n.d.) Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it. World Health Organization. Retrieved from

48.   Peters, C. J. (2005). Marburg and Ebola — Arming Ourselves against the Deadly Filoviruses. New England Journal of Medicine, 352(25), 2571–2573.

49.   Janosko, K., Holbrook, M. R., Adams, R., Barr, J., Bollinger, L., Newton, J. T., Ntiforo, C., Coe, L., Wada, J., Pusl, D., Jahrling, P. B., Kuhn, J. H., & Lackemeyer, M. G. (2016). Safety Precautions and Operating Procedures in an (A)BSL-4 Laboratory: 1. Biosafety Level 4 Suit Laboratory Suite Entry and Exit Procedures. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (116), 52317.

50.   (2018, July 31). The Biosafety Level-4 Laboratory at RKI. Robert Koch Institut. Retrieved from

51.   Jackson, L. A., Anderson, E. J., Rouphael, N. G., Roberts, P. C., Makhene, M., Coler, R. N., … Beigel, J. H. (2020). An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 — Preliminary Report. New England Journal of Medicine, 383(20), 1920–1931.

52.   Smith, T.R.F., Patel, A., Ramos, S. et al. Immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine candidate for COVID-19. Nat Commun 11, 2601 (2020).

53.   Vogel, A. B., Kanevsky, I., Che, Y., Swanson, K. A., Muik, A., Vormehr, M., … Sahin, U. (2020). A prefusion SARS-CoV-2 spike RNA vaccine is highly immunogenic and prevents lung infection in non-human primates. BioRxiv, 2020.09.08.280818.

Geraldine Tu